Experience the Opportunity of A Lifetime.
Dearest family and friends שיחיו,
I am reaching out to you in support of Mosdos Nesivos Shalom in Emanuel, Israel.
How did you get involved with them, you ask.
Actually, I saw an Email offer for a raffle campaign they were running; support Torah and Chesed in Eretz Yisrael and have the chance to win a Sefer Torah. Sure sounded like a good deal!
So I entered.
And guess what?
Now, בעזרת ה' יתברך, on יום א' ד'ר"ח אלול, only weeks away, our family will be completing the final letters of our very own Sefer Torah!
Emanuel has now begun their second such campaign, to help them build a new Torah Center in their city.
Won’t you join me in this worthy project? Perhaps you will be this year’s winner.
Please click on the attached link – learn more about this special Israeli city – and may you too be זוכה to fulfill the final Mitzvah.
!שישו ושמחו בשמחת תורה
Yonah Lazar
Join Emanuel’s mission by contributing to this city’s historic growth. Each ticket purchase is an investment into a vision of a world revolving totally around Torah and Mitzvos.